My School Holidays

In the school holidays I went to a small town called Lancelin. In Lancelin we have a holiday house that we visit once a year, but this time we went for 4 days. In the first day we pretty much just chilled and waited for my family to come, at night time when everyone arrived we had a fire with marshmallows which was very yummy. On the second day I went on a ride in the morning and came back to some delicious bacon and eggs, after that I went on my ps4 and played some Rocket League until my family decided to go to the pub for lunch, at the pub I got chicken nuggets and chips. After lunch we did nothing until dinner but for dinner we had hotdogs. On the third day we went to Lancelin sand dunes which we went 4-wheel driving and went on top of the top of the sand dune and I grabbed a board and started sliding down the sand dune which was super fun. On the last day [ day 4 ] I went on a ride in the morning and went to IGA, at IGA I got a drink with some chilli noodles. On the ride home I ate my chilli noodles which were amazing.

After Life Podcast

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This week we did a podcast about what happens when you die.

The podcast was made by Kai, Jaye, Maxie and Oliver.

The reasons why we made this podcast:

  1. we learned how to edit and use technology
  2. we learned the differences about different cultures
  3. we learned how to listen to different peoples opinions

Sunday game

Kai woke up at 6:30am jumped into the shower straight away, he had to get to the oval at 9:30 and the game started at 10:00. At the  oval his team we’re doing warmup drills before the game such as ball pickups and marking, the siren screams as the umpire through the ball up into the air JJ won the ball and kicked it to our forward 50, Kai takes the mark and lines up for goal, he takes the shot and scores, his team runs at him celebrating. The half-time whistle screams, his team huddle up and have a team talk, his coach talks about holding there marks and communicating. The start of the second half of the games starts we win the ball up and our midfield kicked it to the wing and our teammate got a free kick and kicked to the box and Kai took a big overhead pack mark, He lines up for goal kicks it straight through the middle which puts his team into the lead. We lost the ball up but the ball came straight to us and we kicked it to forward which made the ball bounce and Kai ran through two players and kicked the goal. Our team ended up winning 50-74 and we have never beat this team.

Cross Country

Kai was at the start line waiting for the whistle to blow, “ ahhh “ the whistle screams. The sun was beaming perfect weather for a long distance race. Kai was struggling for air, every step felt like his feet were going through the ground. He wore his favourite running shoes and his favourite socks. Kai was 5th in the last 200 metres with Nicholas in 4th they pasted the rugby goals and Kai started to pick up his pace with Nicholas about 30 metres in front of him, they went the through the gates leading to the finish line, Kai was sprinting the next second later he passes Nicholas quicker than flash and he ended ups finishing 4th.


If AFL was a person it would be a boy with brunette hair.

AFL would wear jersey, high coloured socks, white skins and bright coloured boots.

AFL would smell like grass, sweat, leather, blood and bandages.

AFL would spend the day in the sun running, kicking the footy and stretching.

AFL would spend the night dreaming about winning trophies like the premiership and waiting to impress everyone in the morning.

Story Starters

Story Starters

Alone- The boy was crying in the dark, all Alone nobody to be seen.

Cloak- The king wore a different Cloak every day.

Gone- The boy went to the park at 5:00pm and was supposed to come back at 6:00pm but he didn’t come back, he was Gone.

Toe- Mike was scuba diving and stepped on a stone fish, a fish the has poison on spikes on its back which made Mike have a really bad Toe.

About me

Hi I’m Kai AKA the razzler I’m a sporty kid that likes ⚽️🎣🏀🚵🏻‍♂️, my favourite subjects in school are sport, math, history and design and tech. I live in Australia, WA and my dream is to make AFL for the Fremantle Dockers and hopefully win them a premiership cup if they don’t win won before I join them.

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